Good Bye 2019

The greatest part of 2019 is how much we grew as a family and how serious I took my self-care.

Going into 2020 with an open mind, grateful heart, and full of gratitude. I took self care and applied it fully. I took a medical leave in order to really take care of my mental & physical health.
Things could’ve really gotten out of control, but having a team of doctors, great insurance, and being determined to get my health under control, I’m ending the year on a much higher note and very optimistic.

My sisters, I don’t call them friends cause it’s so much more, pushed, supported, loved, uplifted, and made me feel cherished. Starting a podcast with my sister, keeping my blog going thanks to my big sister encouragement, having my oldest sister step in and help me with the Littles when I needed breaks. I’ll do everything in my power to show them how much I appreciate them for sincerely loving me.

My children, my heart in human form, kept me going, gave me a smile every single day, taught how to be patient and kinder, and really taught me about being intentional. The greatest part about being their mother is the feeling of unconditional love and watching them grow. I will never truly be able to thank the most high for blessing us day after day with the absolute most amazing children.

My lover, my handsome man, we came back together just as it was intended. The person who allows me to vulnerable without judgement, holds me accountable, and encourages me to be more. I love him for being the father that Peyton deserves and the role model that Dillon can look up to. On my toughest days, he helped me keep myself together. We grow and challenge each other consistently because we believe in each other. I don’t think I could ever repay him for being who he is to me and to our children.

Thank you all for your support & love. I’ll keep it going strong for 2020 and beyond.

  • The Kimber

October 15

My pregnancy losses took a toll on me in a way I hadn’t really grasped until recently. I remember my first loss and how I didn’t know I was even pregnant and when the test was done to show how far along I was and why I had been bleeding so heavily for weeks, I sat in the restroom of the doctor’s office shocked, scared, mad and confused. Pregnant?! Me?! I was only 19, I used protection, but the condom broke, I took the Plan B as instructed but I was already pregnant. Did I kill my baby ? Why wasn’t I more careful? When will the bleeding stop? How do I tell would’ve been father? I’ll just keep it to myself for as long as I can. At the time I only told my Uncle B and the father a week after that appointment. And I cried, and cried and cried, and slept. My uncle was so encouraging, offered to pay my bills until I returned to work, hugged me and told me about his own experience with pregnancy loss. The father was comforting, compassionate and present but to be honest I never thought how it impacted him. I didn’t even understand how it impacted me. As the years went by I experienced more losses, while on birth control and each time I didn’t know I was pregnant except for once. This was Damon’s and I second pregnancy, the first one ended in miscarriage but I didn’t want to tell him because I didn’t want to hurt him or worry him, he had just started working over the road and I knew it would bother him that he couldn’t be here with me, but that was selfish of me and he let me know when we did talk. I thought I had it handled, I thought I was doing what’s best by carrying the burden myself. Our next pregnancy we were aware we were pregnant and were scared and excited at the same time. One morning, right after I started my job at Seton, I woke up with a familiar cramping feeling, I went to the bathroom and there it was, the blood, the clots, and shortly after the tears. I woke him up and told him I had to go to the hospital, we cuddled and then got dressed silently, even the drive to the hospital was silent, I don’t think we knew what to say to each other. Once we got there, the same blood draws, urine test, ultrasound to see what I already knew, the baby wasn’t there, and the sac was beginning to pass. I was 8 weeks pregnant and I felt like a failure, like I failed him and got his hopes up for the family we both yearned for my stupid ass body couldn’t even carry yet another child. What tf is wrong with me?! Why is this happening again and again and again and again ?! I don’t wanna keep hurting him It’s not fair to him that I can’t carry babies and he wants them We had already named all 4 of our children that we planned to have He deserves better and I deserve to be alone and just be a good auntie I went through a lot around that time, and to be honest this is my first time expressing it all through. After our loss I made sure to stay away from every type of birth control, cause it wasn’t helping and causing more harm than I could bare. But years later, after really taking the time and thought to decide okay it’s time, don’t be scared, this guy loves you and wants to create a family with you so now is the time, now I’m 28 and my body is ready, I’m going to try to get pregnant this time, watch when I am ovulating and be prepared taking prenatal vitamins, find a high risk ob/gyn and specialist, we find out we are pregnant!! Finally! But hold on, I maybe miscarrying again, a-fuckin-gain!!! What did I do wrong this time? I ate great, this was planned... what the hell?! The doctor told me my HCG levels weren’t rising at the rate they should’ve been. My mind was blown, I literally was ready to give up on life at this point, if I couldn’t be a mother what the fuck was purpose ? But fate had another plan, I took the prescription medicine, I went to weekly appointments and I rested until my levels began to rise, and God saw fit to birth my angel baby Peyton. She was the answer to my prayers. I tried my best to sustain her life and I’m forever grateful for her existence, for saving me. I just knew I was done because I didn’t wanna test fate and end up disappointed again and have another baby in heaven, but insert my 7 lbs 12 oz born at 2020 Champ! Our Dillon!!! Damon and I third pregnancy was a success, I did have to take medication the first 8 weeks to sustain my pregnancy with him as well but the miracle of life I was granted for a 2nd time 22 months apart! (By the way, 2 is my lucky number) I cherish my children in a way I can’t explain, because there was a time that I was told I could get pregnant but they’d never be born. BUT GOD!
To my mommies: be mindful of your body, when it’s your time it can happen, you may need the assistance of medicine, in-vitro fertilization, a surrogate or adoption (which Damon was fully on board for if we couldn’t have children.) To every baby I have in heaven smiling down on their sister and brother, mommy loves you so much, I carry you with me, I see you in them, and you’ll forever be a part of me.

Ode to the postpartum body & mind

After year one of Peyton I became vegan, so I dropped the baby weight quickly and I even felt better. I was happy in my own body and loved the compliments I received from everyone about my “SnapBack”
The interesting thing was just a few months after having her I was in therapy trying to figure out why I had thought of people harming her, of the absolute worst things happening to her.

I smothered my baby with love and kisses and thought I could do the best for her. I became irrational in my thoughts and nervous anytime she was out of my eyesight. I was diagnosed with postpartum anxiety and depression.
I didn’t understand. I didn’t wanna harm my baby, I wanted to protect her from every bad thing... I stayed up nights watching her sleep to make sure she was breathing, trying to keep SIDS away from her. I wanted to cry because I was tired and needed rest but I couldn’t sleep, what if something happened to her while I was sleeping or while I was away.
These thoughts almost crippled me. I didn’t wanna work or be away from her. It wasn’t until I started attending a postpartum group that I started to understand the reasons why my thoughts had been so intense was due to my lack of sleep, lack of nutrients, and my previous diagnoses with depression. I found out that I’m more prone to postpartum depression and anxiety with every pregnancy I have. So I took everything I knew, researched, found a doula group here in Austin, and became vocal about my struggles on social media.
So though my body may have looked well, in shape and snatched... my mind was barely there. And it hit me again, even harder with Dillon. I can recall Damon coming into the bedroom and I was rocking on the floor with Dillon because he wouldn’t stop crying and I didn’t know what to do, he grabbed him from me and told me to rest. After working a 12 hour shift, he came home and made sure I rested while caring for our baby boy.
This type of love and care was a necessity in my healing. He cared enough to coax me back to health, and it took a lot longer and even more group therapy to get better but it happened and I’m here today because of it all.
Mamas and daddies, pay attention to the moods, the thoughts, and actions.It’s okay to not be okay, don’t focus so much on your body that you forget to take care of your mind.

Photographer: CK Marley


I really understand the phrase, sick and tired of being sick and tired. The gallbladder was one thing, I just knew once it was removed I’d finally have some relief but of course life can never be that simple. Since having the gallbladder removed I’ve had nausea every single day, this morning was the absolute worst. I had just finish getting The Littles dressed and making their breakfast while I held vomit in my mouth so that they wouldn’t see me sick. They’re too little to understand, and I want their mornings to start off well so it can carryover into their day. This is now an every day occurrence, and I’m not pregnant. As a matter of fact, no one can seem to tell me why I’m nauseated other than, it’s something you ate, NEWS FLASH DOC I haven’t eaten a full meal in days! I nibble here and there to keep from passing out but I can’t keep anything down and it’s really, really taking a toll on me.

I try to keep my mental health in tact and tell myself to think positive because your thoughts will manifest your life, I know this, I know to come back down to level 1 and speak nicely to myself when I’m overly frustrated with my gotdamn body for not operating like a normal 32 year old, so I curse myself at times. I cry, I sulk, I think about my granny and how these are the symptoms she felt before finding out it wasn’t just her gallbladder but her body had been ridden with pancreatic cancer. Truth is I’m scared, and I had to share this with Damon.

I hate putting more on him because I need him more than normal but I don’t know how to function. I don’t know when I’m going to throw up, or have diarrhea or get so dizzy from the nausea that I have to pull over if I’m driving or place one of my children down so I don’t drop them. I’ve taken the necessary measures by going to a gastroenterologist and having a colonoscopy and EGD performed but I have to wait 5-10 business days for results so in the mean time I’m just useless, at least that’s how it feels.

Even with this I wanna be encouraging y’all I really do so I leave you with this: I do find a reason to smile every single day, no matter how terrible I feel and I look for the positive so I encourage you to do the same no matter the circumstances. Appreciate your life and where you are .